8 Laon to Reims
613m climbing
5h 11m elapsed
26th July 2019, 25°C, mostly sunny
3h 50m moving
57% off-road
Red line - the route I took, Orange line - “official” Via Francigena, Blue line - Sigeric’s probable route
Early check out (or not)
So I arranged a checkout at 0600 with Basil. However when I got up and downstairs Basil was nowhere to be found. All the doors were firmly locked with keys and it wasn't possible to leave/escape (quite what you'd do if there was a fire I'm not sure). I called the number for "emergencies" and rang the bell but no sign. I was just about to jump out a side window when Basil finally turned up and let me out. Good start.
Puncture no. 2
This was a good one. I have full respect for this nail also managing to stay in the tire for some hundred metres after embedding itself. Perfectly reasonable puncture unlike the weird thorn thing from the middle of Calais last year.
Lakes, ruins and war
Followed the official walking route around 50% today although all the sites below were away from the official route.
Closing in on Reims
The last few km into Reims is along a canal / river so are very easy and somewhat industrial.
Sightseeing in Reims
Reims is an impressive city, the biggest on the Via Francigena before Rome, with the highlight being the cathedral. Every night in the summer, the cathedral is lit up in a magnificent light show telling the history of this place where ancient French kings and queens were crowned.
Overnight: Reims, 20 Rue de Vesle, Gallerie Condorcet = Chambre Cosy Hyper Centre
A nice little room right in the middle of town staying with a superbly hospitable family. Would definitely stay with them again.